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Hey guys what is up?! First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I wish you all the best for 2017 and let this year be the year for success. My life has literally changed around in like a day. I’ve passed my matric year with a high pass, I’ve found a job and I’m currently trying to act like an adult.

I’ve recently been introduced to a company called Earnest which is a group of people of many expertise who’s goal is make credit more accessible by reducing the costs and barriers faced by millions of financially responsible people.They asked me to share with you a money saving guide along with to highlight the importance of understanding your financials! We did just start a new year so I thought this would be amazing for setting goals and trying out new things.

I feel like 2017 is going to be LIT (yes, I used that word) and in order for us to get everything out of it we need to keep our financials in check.

Money makes the world go round so it is very important that you know where your money goes and what you do with it. Understanding your money means saving more and using your money wisely. Because if you know your financials then you know what to avoid, what not to do and how to use your money to the best of you.

Also, if you know your financials then it’s easier for you to set goals and see where your money goes. And instead of trying to buy the whole world, you know what you can afford, why its best not to spend on something and what the bigger goal is.

When Earnest approached me they asked me to set 4 goals for 4 quarters of the year and here’s what I came up with…
1. To have money saved up for the end of year(Christmas)
2. To have money to pay for my part time studies.
3. To have an aside budget  each month that I can splurge on other things like makeup and fashion.
4. To have an aside budget for emergencies.

Earnest then went out to make me some cards to help guide all the goals. And here they are.

Displaying journey_moneysavingchallenge.jpg
Basically all these cards have my goals and things that I could cut down on to save better for the goals and to make sure I achieve those goals. They are also very nice because they do send them individually and you could print them and for each quarter put them up somewhere where you could see them everyday.

Reason for me showing you guys this is because I want this year to be a year where we can all look back and say “Yah this was the year!” and not only to say this but to also have the proof in our bank accounts to show for it.

Anyway thank you so much for reading and please do go and check out Earnest’s website because they’ve got a whole lot of information on many aspects of that can affect your finances, like personal and student loans, and tips. If you check them out, I think it will help you so much for any financial goals that you have plus you can even refinance your sudent loans there to save thousands off your debt.


Instagram : theeoriginaljay

Twitter : theeoriginaljay

Snapchat : theeoriginaljay

I am a 21-year-old female from Johannesburg, South Africa with a great passion for performing and arts. Fashion and Beauty is a way to portray who and how you want people to see you and being a person who taught herself to always keep her head high I wanted a channel through which I could empower all types of people around the world.

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