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A few days ago I was introduced to an online matress company, Leesa and they had asked me to give you tips and tricks to getting a good night’s rest. For a very long time I had problems going to sleep that it went to even insomnia and whenever I did get a wink of sleep I never felt fully rested so I thought that this would be such a great topic to talk about.

Here are my tips to getting a good night’s rest.

1. Create an environment that is quiet and most comfortable to you.

I believe being comfortable is the easiest way to make sure you get a good night rest. So position your pillows to your own liking and spread your legs over the whole bed as along as your comfortable.When you are comfortable then you bed will be like laying on a cloud.

2. Go to bed early. 

How are you supposed to feel rested and awake if you go to bed late? Take two hours off of your TV or cellphone  time and put that into sleeping. Give yourself more than eight hours of sleep and you’ll definitely feel more rested.

3. Go with your routine. 

If you’re used to sleeping at 9:00 pm then sleep at 9:00 pm. Don’t procrastinate and do unnecessary things instead of sleeping. Doing this will put you off of your routine and make your body feel tired and that is why we always complain when we wake up, saying we are tired.

4. Have a snack. 

If you know you are about to sleep grab those nuts or crackers and take them to bed. I’m not saying have a whole meal but have a little snack to keep you going before your sleep. The best thing to do is to make it healthy. For example drinking warm milk or snacking on veggies.

5. Read a book. 

Before going to sleep have that one book that you read. I start feeling sleepy when reading books while I’m in bed so that’s a great way to get my mind to start preparing to sleep and to kick start my sleepiness.

Leesa has also given me a graphic to share with you guys on becoming a morning person. Feel free to download it and use it.


Thank you guys for reading! Hopefully you will get a good night’s rest with the tips I have given. Thank you to Leesa for giving me this post idea because honestly I think a lot of us suffer from a lot of rest problems and hopefully from this we can all sleep better.


I am a 21-year-old female from Johannesburg, South Africa with a great passion for performing and arts. Fashion and Beauty is a way to portray who and how you want people to see you and being a person who taught herself to always keep her head high I wanted a channel through which I could empower all types of people around the world.


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